The year has come and gone and we are back in the pre-Christmas season. Because I would also like to give something to my current and future clients, I have prepared a motivating offer for you: Tantra Event and Free Prostate Massage 2024/2025. I am announcing the event from December 2024 to the end of January 2025. You will find it marked as such in my Reservation System in the “Tantra Massage” service category.
I believe that this limited-time offer will interest you and make the Christmas and January 2025 time more pleasant for you, where the year 2025 will be critical and even fateful for all of us. History repeats itself and the lessons and memory of a nation and people are very short-lived. So, indulging in the pleasure and relaxation of mind and body during my tantric massage is nice for you and me in these turbulent times. Because none of us knows what his time is…
Perhaps the above sounds a little joyous and even worried for the time before Christmas and Christmas. But we should always be aware that we live so short. But… Why are we here in this world? What is our purpose here? … are the main questions of our life in this 3D reality.
Our biological container is ephemeral. But it is a tool for us to learn about the world around us and the sensations that aim to elevate and educate our SOUL. The ascension of our SOUL should be the MAIN task and GOAL for all of US! Tantra is about focusing on our inner world, about perceiving the inner self of each of us. There let us seek TRUTH and instruction in FAITH that the life of our SOUL does not end with our biological body.
Better sensitivity to inner “feelings“, the ability to perceive the energy of our biological machine, is the path of development of our SOUL. Spiritual development should be our developing PATH! Because the body and material goods are ephemeral! That is what true Tantra is about. And in today’s viral era, we should maximize our efforts for true knowledge. True Tantra helps you fulfill this path… that is, through Tantra to know YOURSELF and move forward!
I look forward to seeing you at your tantra massages. Your tantric massage, which I indulge in with you about twice a week, helps me to GROUND and BE present. If my letters have appealed to you, at least briefly for a few minutes towards the end of your Tantra massage and with a slight overlap a few minutes after it, we can talk…
MarieKarolína – probably the best tantra masseuse in Prague
Tantra massage Prague 2 Vinohrady